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Glasgow Personal Injury & Car Accident Attorneys

Millions in Settlements & Verdicts
Millions in Settlements & Verdicts
$2.8 Million Car Accident
$2.0 Million 18-Wheeler vs. Pickup
$1.7 Million Commercial Truck

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      Glasgow Personal Injury Lawyers


      With offices in Glasgow at 213 Green St. and nearby in Bowling Green our team is always close by to assist our injured clients. We represent clients injured in car accidents, semi-truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, DUI accidents, pedestrian accidents, wrongful death, premises liability/slip & fall, and other personal injury cases. If you’ve been injured, you can call us 24/7 at 1-888-611-5406 for a free consult. We travel throughout Barren County and Kentucky to provide caring representation.

      With close to 50 years experience representing the injured, Flora Templeton Stuart Accident Injury Lawyers have collected millions in settlements for our clients. We get results with compassion and never a feee unless we win. Flora Templeton Stuart and her team are ready to help by getting you to reputable physicians for the medical care you need, reserving your PIP for medical bills, wages, and most important maximum recovery for your injuries.

      Learn about our 5-step process for getting you the maximum settlement, and find out what else sets us apart from other injury lawyers.

      Our law firm strives to treat our clients as family, always going the extra mile. When representing injured children, we set up college funds, annuities, for their future. We work to get big results for our injured clients in every step of our representation. When you call us, we will travel to you in the hospital or your home if you are unable to come to our office conveniently located in Glasgow.


      What We Will Do For You in a Car Accident or Injury Claim
      After you or a loved one is injured in an accident, Flora Templeton Stuart and her team are ready to help.

      • Investigate your accident with our experts and preserve evidence
      • Refer you to excellent physicians
      • Reserve your PIP insurance benefits to pay your medical bills and lost wages
      • Assist you in getting your car repaired or replaced
      • We handle all communications with the insurance company
      • Our top attorneys negotiate with the insurance company to get you top results

      We are truly local firm that cares about our clients, located right here in Barren County with offices in Kentucky and Tennessee.


      Call Us 7 Days a week, even on weekends At (888) 782-9090

      Flora meets with her clients to make sure they get the medical treatment they need and the settlement they deserve.
      Personal Injury We travel to our injured clients when they cannot travel to us.
      Our team of investigators will be on the scene immediately for our clients injured in semi-truck accidents.

      What Our Clients Say

      “They always returned my calls; they were very kind and would talk to me when I would get upset.” Sandy Sandy
      “I called on a Saturday and I figured that maybe they’d call on Monday. She has returned my call within 15 minutes.” Michelle Michelle
      “It’s not like going and talking to a stranger, it’s like talking to someone you’ve known forever.” Ellis Ellis
      "It was such a big case after I got with them, it was just like talking to your family." Bruce Bruce
      "She's helped me a great deal. She's determined and that's what it takes. Daniella Daniella
      "We were set up into just as good if not better shape after the accident as we was before" Jolin Jolin

      Six Figure Settlement For Glasgow Accident Victim

      Flora Templeton Stuart Accident Injury Lawyers were retained by a driver involved in a 4-car collision in Glasgow, KY. Our client, Alex, was rear-ended on Happy Valley Road by a negligent commercial truck driver causing a chain reaction.

      Recent Glasgow KY Car AccidentAlex was taken by Barren-Metcalfe EMS to T.J. Samson Community Hospital for treatment. Our accident team immediately investigated the accident, obtained police reports and witness statements, and handled all negotiations with the insurance company to build a strong case and maximize Alex’s recovery. We reserved his PIP benefits so he would have funds for lost income while he recovered.In addition to recovering a six-figure settlement for our client, we also provided referrals to quality physicians that would give Alex the best chance of getting his life back.

      In Alex’s case we collected damages against the commercial trucking business with a settlement of $475,000 after extensive litigation. **The client’s name has been changed to protect his confidentiality.


      Steps We Take in a Car Accident Case to Get You a Top Settlement in Glasgow

      Our team’s 50 years of experience helping car accident victims has helped us develop and refine the following five steps that we now use to help our clients recover the compensation they need to move on from a devastating car crash: 

      Investigate Your Glasgow Accident 

      First things first: we need to learn all there is to know about what happened to you and how it has affected your life. Our car accident attorneys and investigators collect the information we need by: 

      • Giving you ample time to share your story with us and asking you follow-up questions as necessary 
      • Visiting the scene of the accident to investigate 
      • Requesting important documentation from people who have pertinent information, such as eyewitnesses or the police officers who responded to the crash 

      Open Insurance Claims to Pay Medical Bills 

      If you have health insurance, your own policy may pay for at least some of your medical treatments. Even before you get money from the liable party, we can help you get the care you need by filing claims with insurers, including for PIP benefits on your policy to pay for medical treatment. 

      Assist With the Medical Records & Find Doctors 

      At Flora Templeton Stuart Accident Injury Lawyers, we believe it is our job to do more than just speak for our clients in the courtroom or at the negotiating table. We want you to recover as fully and as quickly as possible so that you can make a fresh start. 

      Our team can make sure you see the right doctors by recommending local providers. We can also retrieve medical records and other documentation directly from the providers, which can help your Hopkinsville car accident attorney build your case. 

      Help Set Up Lifetime Income & College Funds 

      Children hurt in accidents or those with catastrophic injuries can face a lifetime of challenges. We want our clients to have a future. We can help set up annuities for children hurt in car accidents to encourage them to attend college or a trade school. We can also set aside additional funds for use later. Our team can preserve Medicaid and Social Security Disability benefits as well. 

      Negotiate a Just Car Accident Settlement 

      We are not afraid to negotiate with the insurer’s representatives and push for every penny you deserve. That means: 

      • Meeting with the insurer as many times as necessary 
      • Negotiating vigorously until they agree to pay what you need 
      • Disproving any allegations they make to try to reduce your payout 

      We want to make a positive difference in your life by applying these steps to your car accident claim. Call (888) 782-9090 for a free case review today and find out what Flora Templeton Stuart Accident Injury Lawyers can do for you. 

      Seeking Damages

      Damages are how you recover financial compensation for your injuries. Damages can include:

      • Pain and suffering
      • Emotional distress
      • Lost wages
      • Loss of companionship
      • Loss of enjoyment of life
      • Lost earning potential
      • Past, present, and future medical bills
      • Rehabilitation costs

      Many people hesitate to sue someone else. But it’s important to remember that your ability to recover from your injuries may be directly tied to your financial recovery. Your concern about how to pay the stack of medical bills piling up on your kitchen table can be relieved by a successful personal injury claim. You have rights. Let us help you protect them by holding the at fault party liable for your injuries.

      Generally, you will try to recover damages from an insurance company. The insurance company has different priorities than you. Your goal is to get better and you do that by not worrying about your bills and focusing on your recovery. The insurance company, however, wants to keep as much money in their pocket as possible.

      They often do this by contacting you shortly after your accident. They offer you a quick settlement. You get excited that you can relieve your worry and put this part of the experience behind you. But we urge extreme caution.

      Most likely, the insurance company offer is a low ball offer that will not cover all of your medical expenses. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you could be out of work and require additional medical care. Working with a seasoned Kentucky personal injury attorney, you can create an accurate estimate of your future medical needs. This gives your lawyer a better understanding of the full value of your personal injury claim. Then your lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to help maximize your financial recovery.

      While it’s true that most personal injury claims settle out of court, to maximize your recovery, sometimes trial is necessary. Not every law firm is equipped for a complex personal injury trial; ensure the advocate you choose is.

      Determining the Value of Your Claim

      One of the most frequent questions we get from clients is about the value of their personal injury claim. It’s a hard question to answer. There are many factors at play including:

      • Type of accident
      • Your injuries
      • Amount of time spent in the hospital
      • Time out of work
      • Additional medical procedures
      • Ability to return to work
      • Impact on your family
      • Your suffering

      No two personal injuries are identical and your compensation will depend on many factors. To help you get the compensation you need to make a full and complete recovery, work with a trusted Glasgow personal injury attorney. We can help guide you through the complex personal injury claims process, and ensure your rights are protected at every stage. You need to put all of your effort and energy into your recovery: Let your lawyer worry about the legal issues.

      The Five Right Steps to Take After Your Accident

      The steps you take after your accident can play an important role in your ability to recover damages for your injuries. Regardless of the type of accident you were involved in, taking these steps will help your case.

      1. Call 911. When you call the authorities, the police rush to the scene of your accident, whether it’s a slip and fall at a store or a major car accident. The police will speak with witnesses and with you to get a good idea of what happened. While they may not assign fault, they will create a police report detailing the information they collected. This report can help to show someone else caused your injuries and they should pay for your medical expenses.
      2. Seek medical attention. When your injuries are severe, immediate medical attention is important. Do not refuse the help of emergency medical personnel who show up at the scene of your accident. You may have injuries you do not know about and the emergency medical technicians can evaluate you and help you understand your injuries. After your accident, it’s a good idea to see your regular doctor. They can further evaluate your injuries and compare them to how you felt the last time they saw you. The records they keep may be important to show someone is to blame for your suffering.
      3. Take pictures. Depending on the type of accident you were in and the injuries you suffered, you may be unable to take pictures. If that’s the case, have a trusted friend or family member help. You want to get pictures of the entire accident scene and your injuries. Having these images can help to show what happened in your accident and show you were not to blame.
      4. Speak with witnesses. Witnesses often provide a much needed alternative viewpoint to your accident. They may shed light on the moments leading up to your accident and what may have caused your injuries. The police will want to speak with witnesses but so will we. Many witnesses will not stick around for the police to arrive so, at the very least, get their contact information so we can speak with them later and gather information about your accident.
      5. Keep a personal injury journal. As your recovery progresses, your focus will shift to your return to your regular life. That’s great—but it might mean that you forget the daily suffering and struggles you encountered on your road to recovery. By keeping a personal injury journal, you can detail on a daily basis the level of pain you experience, the hurdles you had to overcome, and really paint a picture of your recovery path. This helps your Kentucky personal injury attorney show why you deserve damages.

      Your final step after your accident is to find a trusted legal team who can take the legal weight off your shoulders and help to maximize your financial recovery. While you tend to your injuries and work on your healing, your lawyer will work tirelessly to protect your rights and ensure your personal injury claim gets the attention it deserves.

      Barren County Car Accident Statistics

      Of the 120 counties in Kentucky, Barren County ranks at 20 out of 120 as an overall score across several accident statistics including:

      • Rank 14 in fatalities as a result of car accidents
      • Rank 24 in regards to collisions caused by impairment
      • 23rd in motorcycle collisions and
      • 20th in serious injuries

      These statistics from the KY Department of Transportation show that Barren County houses a large portion of the automobile accident happening in the local region of South Central, Kentucky, and the numbers have gone up since recent years. Driver safety is necessary now more than ever.

      Glasgow Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ

      Every year, millions of Americans face personal injury—including hundreds right here in Glasgow. Among motor vehicle collisions alone, the number of crashes in the Glasgow area has increased from 1,224 to 1,421 during the last decade. On a bad year, we can see as many as 300 injuries and 15 deaths, although safer vehicles means fewer injuries and fatalities despite the increase in accidents.

      Personal injury is so broad and wide-reaching a term that it’s impossible to quantify how many people are hurt in personal injury cases every year—it means a lot more than just crashes involving cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Across the United States, we can trace back three million injuries each year, alone, to car accidents. Imagine how many more people fall victim to other traumas.

      One of the most important aspects of a personal injury case lies in an empowered plaintiff. If you or somebody that you love has suffered a personal injury, partner with a trustworthy lawyer and begin to find out more about your rights. The time following the injury often proves hectic and emotionally taxing. Rather than grappling with that experience and what feels like learning a new language, try introducing yourself to the basics now.

      Below, we’ve answered some of our clients’ most frequently asked questions concerning personal injury. While every case is unique and best served by a detailed consultation with an experienced attorney, our answers may be able to help guide you through the initial steps of pursuing compensation and relief.

      What are personal injuries?

      In our experience, one of the most popular questions concerning personal injury cases involved giving some definition to the term “personal injury.” Isn’t any injury a personal injury if it happens to us? Umbrella terms like these can complicate the legal process and keep victims from pursuing the compensation that they deserve.

      “Personal injury” refers to a pretty wide range of circumstances. Some of our clients are actually surprised to find that they do, in fact, have a valid personal injury case. Some find it difficult to believe that another party could be to blame for their injuries, but negligence and recklessness have the potential to cause serious harm.

      A technical definition from Cornell Law School defines personal injury as any injury that occurs to the “body, mind, or emotions.” If you’ve been injured in any of these ways through another person’s negligence or recklessness, you could be entitled to compensation.

      A handful of the array of circumstances that qualify as instances of personal injury include:

      • Auto (and similar accidents)
        • Includes car, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, pedestrian, and other similar accidents
        • Auto accidents may be traced back to a variety of causes; distracted and drowsy driving, being intoxicated behind the wheel, aggressive behavior, and inclement conditions can all lead to collisions
      • Slip and falls
      • Nursing home abuse
      Do I have a case? Should I contact an attorney?

      Nobody can tell you whether your case will hold up in court, but you should always contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after an injurious incident. An attorney will be able to help guide you through the legal process and determine which steps are right for you.

      The most crucial step in any legal case is to retain the support of a qualified legal representative. Not only will a lawyer drastically simplify complex legal proceedings and requirements, but he or she will also defend your wellbeing in court if necessary.

      What are some examples of personal injuries?

      Head and brain injuries. Head and brain injuries can be terrifying things to experience. We’re taught about the importance of these parts of our body from childhood—an injury to them often means devastating results. Some victims suffer severe consequences after injuries like these: Mental, cognitive, and sensory abilities can all be diminished by damage to the head or brain.

      Some symptoms are considered hallmarks of classic brain injuries. If you or someone you know has suffered a head or brain injury, it’s important to watch for symptoms of:

      • Concussions
        • Concussions may be caused by blunt-force trauma, violent head-shaking, and even whiplash-type injuries
        • They stretch blood vessels and damage cranial nerves, which can have long-term impacts
        • Victims often demonstrate dazed or fatigued behavior; some lose consciousness briefly
      • Hematomas in the brain
        • Hematomas can lead to permanent brain damage
        • They occur when blood clots form outside of the blood vessels in the brain
      • Skull fractures

      Slip and fall accidents. Slip and fall accidents can occur in a variety of places—shopping and dining establishments, public parks and parking lots, and virtually anywhere else. They’re often associated with wet floors or icy ground outdoors, but can occur for a variety of reasons. Premises owners have a responsibility to ensure that the people who spend time there are safe. When visitors are put at risk and injured during a slip and fall, they generally have the right to pursue compensation.

      Lacerations and broken bones. Broken bones and lacerations may stem from a range of accidents and circumstances. Auto collisions, slips and falls, and other forms of personal injury can all cause these.

      Injuries such as these have the potential to seriously derail a victim’s life. Some are lucky enough to escape their experiences without more than a temporary cast or a handful of stitches. They may permanently disable or disfigure others.

      What damages could I potentially recover?

      One of the first questions that many personal injury victims ask involves compensation. It’s not difficult to see why—a personal injury would become a financial burden if compensation were not an option. Victims often grapple with a range of medical bills, may suffer the loss of material possessions (especially in auto accidents), and can even lose their ability to earn an income.

      Remember: you should never feel guilty for attempting to recover damages. Personal injury victims suffer tremendous loss; the law exists to ensure these victims are made as whole again as possible. You deserve assistance offsetting the emotional, monetary, and physical complications that personal injuries cause.

      You may recover:

      • Medical bills | This includes past, present, and even future medical bills associated with your injury. Courts understand that many injuries result in months, years, and even a lifetime of treatment. Victims who face these circumstances can often receive compensation for future costs. “Medical bills” also extends to include bills for a wide variety of medical treatment and equipment. Therapies, specialized tools, emergency transport, and a range of other expenses may all qualify for compensation
      • Lost wages or earning potential | Some instances of personal injury are so severe that they force victims to take time off of work. If you’ve been forced into this situation, you may be able to recover some of those lost wages in court. More severe personal injuries can even alter victims’ earning potential for life. In these cases, victims are at perfect liberty to request compensation for diminished earning potential
      • Pain and suffering | The emotional and physical pain that comes along with personal injury should not be underestimated. Victims can be compensated for them in court. Many injuries act as catalysts for tremendous pain and suffering. If a personal injury has begun to negatively impact your physical and mental comfort, you could receive pain and suffering damages
      • Disfigurement, disability, and death | Unfortunately, some personal injury cases stand out amongst the noise. Some victims face disfigurement, disability, and even death as a result of their injuries. These individuals—and their loved ones—deserve the utmost care and respect in court; they often receive additional compensation to account for their experiences
      Is my personal injury case too small to warrant an attorney?


      Virtually no instance of personal injury is too small to warrant a case or a partnership with an attorney when negligence or wrongdoing is the cause. The vast majority of seasoned and capable personal injury lawyers have extensive experience in dealing with cases of every size. That means that you should feel well-supported in your efforts regardless of the severity of your injury.

      Many personal injury victims also come to find that their cases are more complex than they originally believed. It can all be traced back to the “legalities are complicated” idea. If, for example, your car was struck by a semi-truck, you may think that you need to approach the trucking company for compensation. An attorney could help you identify that the crash actually occurred to improper maintenance—in this case, you’d actually look to the maintenance company responsible for working on the truck to offer compensation.

      What questions should I ask a potential personal injury attorney?

      Remember how you felt when you learned that you’re supposed to ask an interviewer questions about the company you’re trying to get a job at, too? It probably felt odd. The same concept applies to attorneys.

      When you begin meeting with personal injury attorneys to determine which one is best for your case, you should ask them some critical questions. Victim empowerment is the cornerstone of success in court; and even though the right lawyer will empower you even further, you should have confidence in your own approach, too.

      You should never hesitate to ask a lawyer for whatever information you feel is necessary. The best decision is an informed one. Questions like these will help ensure that you make an educated choice:

      • What is your level of experience in handling cases like mine?
      • Will you involve anybody else in my case? Do you bring in industry experts (like doctors or auto professionals) to strengthen your clients’ cases?
      • How much time will you spend on my case? How long do you predict this case may take?
      • What do you believe this case may be worth?
      • What sort of role do you want me to take in the legal process?
      • Are you willing to offer contact information for previous clients?

      You may not receive concrete answers to every question. The legal field is very clear in its rules—which makes it hazy in terms of predictions. The process of moving a case through court involves tremendous time and scrutiny. Some cases take much longer than anyone ever anticipated due to loopholes or hidden details.

      You might speak to several attorneys before you decide which one to partner with for your case. Think of it like anything else—if you were choosing a babysitter for your child, you probably wouldn’t immediately hire the first candidate you spoke to. Take your time getting a feel for your case and which legal approach might mesh best with your circumstances.

      Can a personal attorney help?

      Yes. Outside of seeking prompt medical attention, selecting a personal injury attorney is the most important step in protecting your wellbeing after a personal injury. You should partner with a lawyer that you feel is compassionate and empathetic—the more trustworthy you believe them to be, the easier it will be to achieve total transparency. This is how to build successful cases.

      Don’t try to defend yourself from harm on your own; you deserve support. Remember to ask potential attorneys questions about their experience and their view of your case. It’s crucial to select the firm or representative that understands and pursues your best interests at all times.

      Our Glasgow Personal Injury Lawyers Can Make a Difference

      Glasgow Personal Injury LawyersRemember, you have a limited time after your accident to file your claim. An attorney can help you make sure you hit those deadlines. If you wait too long, your claim may be barred and you may be unable to recover damages for your suffering.

      This is a situation we work hard to avoid, but even attorneys need help from our clients. To make sure your Kentucky personal injury claim is timely filed, contact our experienced Glasgow personal injury attorneys as soon as possible. We can begin the process of investigating your claim, reviewing your medical records, speaking with witnesses, and negotiating with insurance companies.

      Remember, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed following a personal injury. This is why working with an attorney you trust can make all the difference in ensuring a successful outcome to your case, a speedy recovery, and a return to normal life. Give us a call to find out how we can help you. You can reach us at (888) 782-9090 or through our contact page.

      Making a Difference in Barren County

      Flora Templeton Stuart is a proud member of the Barren County community. When she’s not engaged in her legal practice, Flora is giving back in the Barren County community, helping in the schools, charities, and fundraising events. If you’ve been out and about, you might have seen her law firm’s mascots, Poppy and Pixie, the raccoons. Recently, Ms. Stuart presented Red Cross Elementary School teacher Molly Warf with Poppy’s Teacher of the Month award and the $300 prize for her class!

      We routinely work with schools, hospitals, charities, and other organizations and frequently travel to schools throughout Barren County to present students and teachers with Poppy’s Leadership Award. Recently we visited Eastern Elementary, Red Cross Elementary and Hiseville Elementary.

      Throughout the pandemic, Poppy’s Wave Parade cheered up residents in Glasgow and Cave City while delivering pet supplies and food to the Barren River Animal Welfare Association , TJ Samson Community Hospital, and Glenview Health & Rehab.  We are also members of the Barren County Chamber of Commerce.

      Visiting T.J. Samson Hospital

      Poppy Field Trip to Glasgow Christian Academy

      Boys and Girls Club Shop with Poppy and Pixie