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Category: Uncategorized

No Win, No Fee: Our Promise to Personal Injury Clients in Tennessee

Being involved in an accident can be a devastating experience. The aftermath of a personal injury accident can be time-consuming, stressful, and emotional. But to make matters worse, it can also be expensive. Injuries are expensive. There’s no getting around it. Accidents often lead to medical bills, property damage, lost income due to time away […]

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How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Paid Out in Kentucky?

Losing a loved one is never easy. To make matters worse, the pain, frustration, and emotional heartache you feel can often be exacerbated by complex legal issues. When someone’s negligent act leads to the injury and later death of another person, the deceased’s loved ones may have a claim for relief. Pursuing such a claim […]

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How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take in Kentucky?

If you were recently injured due to the misconduct of another person, it is important to educate yourself on the process of filing a personal injury case. How long a personal injury case takes depends on the specific circumstances involved. If you feel you have a case, you should contact an attorney immediately to determine […]

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How the Car Accident Settlement Process Works in Bowling Green, Kentucky

If you were injured in a car accident in Kentucky, you should be entitled to compensation if you were not at fault. Most cases involving car accidents are settled out of court. Settlement is a faster and more cost-effective resolution than taking a case to trial. Whether your case is resolved via settlement or goes […]

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Is Tennessee a No-Fault State for Auto Accidents?

As of November 2021, there have been 5,568 auto accidents that have resulted in serious or fatal injuries in Tennessee. Depending on the severity and exact nature of the injuries you sustained in an auto accident, you could be facing costly medical expenses, months of missed workdays, and consequently lost income, as well as emotional […]

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What to Do After a Nashville Hit and Run

Being involved in a traffic accident of any kind can be a terrifying and often traumatizing experience. Involvement in a hit-and-run accident, in particular, can make matters even worse. Tennessee law prohibits drivers involved in a traffic collision from leaving the scene of the accident. In an ideal world, all Nashville drivers would comply with […]

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in Tennessee?

There are some that say lane splitting provides a safety benefit to motorcycle riders and other motorists on the road. But is lane splitting legal in Tennessee? Regardless of whether lane splitting is in fact a safe practice, what matters most is its legality. In places where lane splitting is illegal, it’s something that you […]

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Nashville, Tennessee Car Accident Laws

Car accidents can be life-changing events. The laws related to car accidents differ by state. Tennessee car accident laws govern insurance rules, outline reporting requirements, and provide avenues to recover your losses. If you were injured in a Tennessee car accident you should contact a car accident attorney. An experienced Tennessee car accident attorney can […]

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How to Get a Copy of Your Nashville Accident Report

Being involved in a Nashville motor vehicle accident can be a scary and stressful experience. Dealing with the aftermath can make matters feel even more overwhelming. After an accident, it is important that you request a copy of your formal police report. Doing so can be a great way to gather the evidence and information […]

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